July 27, 2024
Oops! BigHit Entertainment Showcases Kim Taehyung Impostor on Seoul Latest Billboard Ad
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A Promotional Misstep

On a bustling Thursday, the 21st of March, the airwaves buzzed with news from BigHit Entertainment, heralding the launch of a new billboard in Seoul. This billboard, a grand gesture from YouTube, celebrated the release of BTS Taehyung’s latest single, “FRI(END)S”. Fans across the globe rallied in excitement, embracing what seemed like a monumental nod to the idol’s burgeoning solo career. However, their jubilation soon turned to dismay upon uncovering a significant oversight in BigHit’s announcement.

A Case of Mistaken Identity

In the heart of the announcement made on the social platform X, an unexpected error caught the eye of vigilant fans. BigHit Entertainment, in an unprecedented slip, had linked to an imposter’s YouTube account, @V.officially, rather than Taehyung’s authentic music videos and Topic account. This faux pas inadvertently directed followers to a channel crafted by an impersonator, sparking confusion and misleading fans about its legitimacy.

The Ripple Effect of an Oversight

The impersonator’s account, riding on the waves of mistaken identity, witnessed a surge in subscribers and viewership, courtesy of the unintentional promotion. Despite fans being previously aware and cautious of this deceitful account, they were taken aback to see BigHit Entertainment fall into the same trap, further amplifying the account’s reach with their recent X post. The company’s oversight led to a wave of criticism from the fanbase, who lamented the lack of diligence and attention to detail by the agency’s staff.

Swift Correction and Community Response

Recognizing the error, BigHit Entertainment acted quickly to amend the mistake. The original X post was updated to include the correct link, pointing now to the Google-generated “V-Topic” account. This official channel compiles Taehyung’s solo endeavors, including music videos and projects, providing a streamlined resource for fans and newcomers to explore his work without confusion. This prompt response from BigHit mitigated the impact of the initial oversight and redirected the focus back to supporting Taehyung’s genuine artistic contributions.

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By Sadnim

Drawn to the heart of Korea's culture, I spend my days and nights engrossed in its enchanting tales, eager to weave and share these new threads of stories. With a love for languages, I revel in the joy of learning new ways to communicate. This fervor is a beacon for others who are equally captivated by the depth and vibrancy of Korean traditions and narratives.

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