September 8, 2024
Kim Heechul apologized
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Kim Heechul apologized via Instagram.

Kim Heechul from a band named “Super Junior” publicly apologized for the statements he made during a previous live stream.

Kim Heechul statements in livestream

On Thursday 9 Feb, Kim Heechul participated as a guest on a live show (BJ Choi’s show) that aired on AfreecaTV. During the live stream, he was drinking alcohol. Moreover, due to his defense of Kangin (he’s a former teammate) even though he’d previously been engaged in a case (drunk driving case) but, also scandal, in addition to his using foul language during the broadcast’s topic of school bullying. Heechul was eventually drawn into the issue.

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By Sadnim

Drawn to the heart of Korea's culture, I spend my days and nights engrossed in its enchanting tales, eager to weave and share these new threads of stories. With a love for languages, I revel in the joy of learning new ways to communicate. This fervor is a beacon for others who are equally captivated by the depth and vibrancy of Korean traditions and narratives.

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